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Sunday, November 28, 2010

Little Snow Girl

This is my oil pastels version of the russian tale for children Little snow girl.
A christmas gift to my mother who bought this book for me when I was 2 years old.My greatgrandmother read it to me and i used to recite the poem story by heart.It was in verse in its translation from Russian.


  1. Elena, chiar inainte de a citi, am remarcat ce bine seamana cu o papusa ruseasca :)E tare draguta!
    Am si eu un set cu vreo 5 care incap una in alta.

  2. Da, este o pictura dupa realitate. Am facut dintr-o broboada din Romania o papusa si am numit-o Zenaida.Povestea din copilarie se numea Zapedita.O am si pe Red bubble in alta versiune.
